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Is this you, or someone you know??
Trying mercilessly to compile the data you need to:
- receive accreditation
- report to your Dean
- apply for Education funding programs
- just know what experiences your students are having!
Now you can have the REAL-TIME answers!
- what have your students accomplished up until TODAY?
- what are their PRECEPTORS/CLINICIANS saying about their performance?
- do you need to arrange interventions for LOW-PERFORMANCE or disadvantaged students?
- maybe schedule ADDITIONAL TRAINING to fill the skill-achievement gaps?
- if geographic sites are exposing students to different environments, RE-ARRANGE SCHEDULES for students to cover more training facilities!
- CLICK a button to build a detailed and CUSTOMIZED report!
- automatically produce GRADES by building in the calculations!
And all the while you use the SAME course requirements and form data that you were previously gathering on PAPER!
What are you waiting for? There is NOW an easier way!
info [at] studentlogbook [dot] com
Additional Bonus:
Students can use their PDA to replace bulky Texts, References, Dictionaries, Protocols, etc... enhancing their learning experience even further! |
(We do not abuse the privilege of having your email address in our system, and will not be providing it to ANYONE else for ANY reason, without explicit permission from you.)